Check Out the New FHA Website

If you’ve logged onto the Floating Homes Association (FHA) website lately, you’ve probably noticed that it has a whole new look. In fact, it’s a whole new site with lots of new functions and features. The FHA’s goal is for the site to become your informational hub for all things floating...

Board Meeting Notes – Apr 2021

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE APRIL 13 FHA BOARD MEETING: FHA President Michael Labate reported that Lew Cook, CEO of Waldo Point Harbor, passed away. The Board approved sending flowers to his memorial service. Larry Clinton announced that tickets for the June...

Board Meeting Notes – Feb 2021

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE FEBRUARY 9 FHA BOARD MEETING: The Board approved a budget for 2021. The budget will be discussed by Treasurer Teddie Hathaway at the February 23 virtual annual meeting. A Zoom link to the February 23 FHA annual...

Board Meeting Notes – Dec 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE DECEMBER 8 FHA BOARD MEETING: Peter Hudson (Main Dock) will run for vice president of the FHA Board at the January 12 meeting. Other officers will run for re-election: President Michael Labate, Secretary Linda Sempliner and Treasurer...

Board Meeting Notes – Nov 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE NOVEMBER 10 FHA BOARD MEETING: Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA had a net gain in revenues for the month of October. Cash reserves are $43,847, down from $50,130 at the beginning of the year. Dock...

FHA Survey Results Now Online

We recently reported a summary of findings from the FHA survey of the floating homes community. Now you can see the results of the survey in detail on the FHA website. FHA Membership co-chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman created the anonymous survey online via Survey Monkey. Dock reps forwarded...

FHA Membership Drive Underway

It’s time for Floating Homes Association (FHA) members to renew their memberships for 2021. In the past, many FHA members have waited to renew at the February Annual Meeting, but the meeting will be virtual this winter (no in-person gathering or party), so please don’t wait to renew. While you’re...

Board Meeting Notes – Oct 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE OCTOBER 13 BOARD MEETING: Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA lost $845 in the month of September. $450 in donations was received in September after a Floating Times article announced that the FHA was accepting donations...

FHA Survey 2020 | We Hear You!

When we sent out the FHA Survey via email this past month, we wanted to get a sense of what the residents of our floating homes community want and need during these challenging times. Almost 25% of our community completed the survey. For those who responded, thank you! Your input...

FHA Accepting Donations

Without an Open Homes tour this year, the Floating Homes Association (FHA) cash reserves are shrinking steadily. Membership dues have always been kept as affordable as possible, and they do not cover the ongoing operations of the FHA. The Board would like to get back to offering a full slate...