Board Meeting Notes—Sept 2024

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE SEPT 9 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. Treasurer Linda Futrell reported that year-to-date income of $56,979 is 85% of budget and $52,368 in expenses are 72% of budget with a YTD...

FHA Seeks New Officers

Floating Homes Association President Pete Hudson, Vice President Liz Brott, and Secretary Candice Gold have all reached the end of their terms in office, and have decided not to seek re-election, so the Association is seeking candidates for those offices. Each officer serves a two-year term and may repeat until...

Board Meeting Notes — July 2024

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE JULY 9 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES  In FHA Treasurer Linda Futrell’s absence, President Pete Hudson reported that as of June 30, year-to-date income of $51,148 comes to...

FHA Members: Sign On to Our New MemberPlanet Platform

FHA President Pete Hudson has a helpful reminder about accessing the FHA website: As you have probably heard, the FHA launched a new website with MemberPlanet last April. You should have received an email invitation from the Floating Homes Association on April 4 inviting you to set up your account...

Board Meeting Notes — May & June 2024

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE MAY 14 AND JUNE 11 FHA BOARD MEETINGS. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. The May Board meeting focused on the results of a legal opinion that some fees and costs recently...

Two Private Tours in One Day

On May 19, as crowds on the lawn at Van Damme Park enjoyed Day in the Park, the FHA’s tour committee had the inaugural run of its new format for group tours. Two groups of about a dozen each were led off to see what our unique lifestyle has to...

Legal Opinion on Marina Fees and Costs

The Sausalito Floating Homes Association (FHA) has heard many concerns from floating home residents about fees and costs charged by or policies imposed by their marinas. In response, the FHA, through its Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and generous donations from residents, engaged an attorney with decades of experience in California real...

Special Announcement

The dock that signs up the most volunteers for the FHA’s May 19 Day in the Park will get a free dock party including wine, courtesy of the FHA. Let’s see which dock has the most community spirit! Go to our signup site to choose the job and shift you...

A Full Afternoon for Day in the Park May 19

Day in the Park chair Julie Durbin has put together a full day of food, fun, games, and attractions for the FHA’s May 19 festival. Here’s the schedule for the day: The Waldo Stage (main stage) Glen Brown – sound Emcee – Heather Lerner 12:00-12:30 PM The Nother Mother Brothers...

Junior Sponsorships Available for Day in the Park 5/19

Day in the Park chair Julie Durbin is offering to customize sponsorships to fit the needs of smaller businesses and organizations. The accompanying graphic shows the different sponsorships tiers, and the marketing opportunities available at each level. If you or someone you know may be interested in working with our...