Two Private Tours in One Day

On May 19, as crowds on the lawn at Van Damme Park enjoyed Day in the Park, the FHA’s tour committee had the inaugural run of its new format for group tours. Two groups of about a dozen each were led off to see what our unique lifestyle has to...

Legal Opinion on Marina Fees and Costs

The Sausalito Floating Homes Association (FHA) has heard many concerns from floating home residents about fees and costs charged by or policies imposed by their marinas. In response, the FHA, through its Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and generous donations from residents, engaged an attorney with decades of experience in California real...

Special Announcement

The dock that signs up the most volunteers for the FHA’s May 19 Day in the Park will get a free dock party including wine, courtesy of the FHA. Let’s see which dock has the most community spirit! Go to our signup site to choose the job and shift you...

A Full Afternoon for Day in the Park May 19

Day in the Park chair Julie Durbin has put together a full day of food, fun, games, and attractions for the FHA’s May 19 festival. Here’s the schedule for the day: The Waldo Stage (main stage) Glen Brown – sound Emcee – Heather Lerner 12:00-12:30 PM The Nother Mother Brothers...

Junior Sponsorships Available for Day in the Park 5/19

Day in the Park chair Julie Durbin is offering to customize sponsorships to fit the needs of smaller businesses and organizations. The accompanying graphic shows the different sponsorships tiers, and the marketing opportunities available at each level. If you or someone you know may be interested in working with our...

Wine Bar at Day in the Park May 19

There has always been plenty of entertainment for kids at Day in the Park, including this year’s special attraction, beautiful tiny horses to pet and admire. But on May 19 there will be something special for adults: a wine bar and social area featuring premium pourings from wineries such as...

Board Meeting Notes — Mar & Apr 2024

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE MARCH AND APRIL 2024 FHA BOARD MEETINGS. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. The March and April FHA Board meetings were the first in-person meetings since the pandemic, thanks to the hospitality...

FHA Adopts New Dues Structure

The Floating Homes Association is working hard to continually provide our members with events and services that build community and protect the legal rights of owners and renters of floating homes. In addition to our fundraising events and donations, we depend on membership fees to round off the budget and...

FHA Seeks Volunteers for Day in the Park

The May 19 Day in the Park is shaping up to be the best yet, with more activities for all ages, more sponsors, wine and beer for purchase, and a drawing for super prizes. Over 100 volunteers are needed to make it all happen. Volunteers are needed before and during...

Thanks for your generosity

At the end of February, your Floating Homes Association initiated a funding campaign to help offset the costs of outside legal counsel. Donations to the Floating Home Residency Law (FHRL) Legal Fund have helped us obtain the valuable legal advice we need to continue protecting our interests as owners and renters...