- Treasurer Linda Futrell reported that year-to-date income of $56,979 is 85% of budget and $52,368 in expenses are 72% of budget with a YTD profit of $4,611.00. Since there was no quorum, approval of the August minutes and Treasurer’s report was tabled until October.
- The FHA is still getting payments from our old website platform, Wix. President Pete Hudson explained that Wix continues to auto renew FHA members who have not yet joined MemberPlanet. He will send another email invitation to those folks to join MemberPlanet.
- Pete reported that he’d received no nominations so far for president or vice president from the Floating Times request. He, Liz and Candice will not run for re-election. To nominate yourself or someone else, contact Pete.
- Dock rep elections are also coming up in November. Pete will poll the incumbent dock reps to see who will repeat and who might replace those who are leaving.
- A Dock rep Davia Lehn stressed the need for dock reps to arrange for their alternates to attend Board meetings in their place. Carole Angermeir (Kappas East dock rep) will draft a Floating Times post outlining dock rep responsibilities.
- Pete is working on a fall fundraiser, probably for the weekend before Halloween. Pete asked for ideas, and Mark Sommer suggested open haunted houses. Other suggestions included a Halloween parade.
- Larry Clinton (Gate 6 1/2 dock rep) reported that the Legislative Action Committee had received a written copy of the Waldo Point annual rent rate schedule, which shows how rents are raised each year, subject to the CPI. This is the first time WPH has shared this information. He also reported that the LAC is making progress on discussions with marinas (described in the preceding post).
- Issaquah Dock rep Mark Sommer volunteered to participate in a subgroup to find a concrete barge contractor to replace Aquamaison. Pete acknowledged that the Aquamaison infrastructure is still in place at Gate 3, but he noted that hull repair is currently more pressing than new hulls. If you know of anyone interested in building concrete barges for our community, please contact Mark.
- Floating Times editor Larry Clinton continues to look for a volunteer to back him up on WordPress and MailChimp for publishing the online newsletter and sending out weekly email alerts.
- Teddie Hathaway (Kappas East) reported that the Private Tour Committee was planning a complimentary tour for delegates from Vina del Mar. Another tour at the end of September may bring 50 visitors to our community, and Julie Durbin (Kappas West) has asked the FHA to offer a tour for her wedding guests in December.
- Carole suggested a tour for city officials involved in the Sea Level Rise project, since many of them seem to know little about our community. Pete will put the posters from Love the Bay Day on the FHA website to solicit community input to the planning process. A link to the posters will be published in the Floating Times.
- Flo noted that September is emergency preparedness month, and a good time to update Grab & Go bags. Readymarin.org has checklists and instructional videos. She also noted that emergency videos are on the members-only portion of FHA website
Next meeting: October 8, 7:00 PM on Zoom.