Following the FHA’s communication of attorney Ken Coren’s memo to the Marina owners, WPH and Kappas requested to meet. LAC responded by establishing a subgroup to meet with marina executives that included residents of all harbors. The subgroup’s primary purpose was to explain LAC’s opposition to fees charged since the passage of AB252. At those meetings and since, the LAC learned about these two harbors’ positions on new fees as well as broader concerns and suggestions. With the benefit of this information, the LAC is now developing one or more proposals to address fees, vacancy control, and annual rent increases in ways that would best serve the long-term interests of residents. Once the LAC has a clear sense of how the marinas might respond to such proposal(s) and what terms they might be willing to accept, LAC will present the terms of a possible agreement to the community for its consideration and will request approval. The ultimate goal is strengthening protections for residents through legislative amendments. To do so will require strong support from both the marina owners and residents.
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, you can email the LAC or contact any of the members of the committee:
Sasha Cole
Kappas Marina, 6 1/2
Hanna Bui
Larry Clinton
Lewis Shireman
Kappas Marina, East Pier
Joe Novitski
Jenny Silva
Wilford Welch
Kappas Marina, West Pier
Liz Brott
Waldo Point Harbor, A Dock
Pat Lawrence
Waldo Point Harbor, Issaquah
Candice Gold
Denise Kendall
Jordan McCollum
Waldo Point Harbor, Liberty
Stan Barbarich
Melanie Hamburger
Waldo Point Harbor, Main Dock
Anna Shimko
Pete Hudson
Waldo Point Harbor, South 40
Michael Van Walt
Yellow Ferry Harbor
Kimberly Wright
Lois Salisbury