TheRE was no quorum at the September 14 FHA Board meeting. Here are some of the items that were discussed. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times
- FHA Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the Association had almost $74,000 cash on hand at the end of August, compared to just over $45,000 at the beginning of the year.
- The FHA’s free Day in the Park will resume on Sunday, October 24. FHA VP Pete Hudson asked for ideas and volunteers to help plan the event. He would like to encourage each dock to plan a game, display, performance, or other attraction. Linda and Teddie Hathaway will staff the FHA membership table. Residents may be invited to sell art or books. Pete will have a planning meeting via Zoom; contact him if you’d like to participate. Larry will ask Julie Durbin to help getting bands to play at the event.
- FHA President Michael Labate has reserved the Bay Model for February 26 for the Annual Meeting/party. It will start at 5:00 p.m. The Board will discuss what food and drink to serve.
- Larry Clinton (Gate 6 ½) mentioned someone who may be interested in building concrete barges in the Delta. Wayne Licina (American Oceanics) manufactures a steel enclosure called Barge Armor that fits over existing flotation. Michael will contact people who replied to the Floating Times about their interest in brainstorming alternatives. Aquamaison’s infrastructure still exists.
- Annual dock rep election ballots will be sent to the community in October. We need to hold our elections this year about the same time. Linda will contact the dock reps and alternates to see who will serve for 2022. They will be asked to secure replacements if they can’t serve next year. The slate of 2022 candidates will be presented to the Board at the next meeting.
- Julie Durbin (West Pier) is selling new FHA sponsorships with ads on the website and in the Floating Times. The first ads appear on the upper right side of this post.
- The tradition of offering free dues for the rest of the year for new FHA members will be discussed at the October 12 Board meeting. Once someone signs up or renews through the FHA website, they are on an annual plan which renews automatically. They will be sent email notifications that their membership is about to renew and can cancel if they wish. Membership co-chair Jill Sherman will discuss strategies with FHA coordinator Linda Sempliner to steer non-members to the website to join the FHA.
- Emergency Preparedness chair Flo Hoylman discussed File of Life refrigerator magnets which contain cards with vital information (medical info, emergency contact, etc.) for each person. There is a smaller version for wallets. If it’s on the refrigerator, an EMT will know where to find it. We will look into making them available through the dock reps. Flo also has a supply of emergency evacuation banners that dock reps can pick up to distribute on their docks.
- Linda expressed the need for dock reps to keep dock rosters updated for future emergency notices to the community.
- Jim Rettew (Liberty Dock) reported that the FHA website has brought in $1400 since March from memberships and sales of FHA merchandise.
- Michael initiated a discussion of where to put Dimitrio Raul Aparicio’s Adirondack chair. His name was misspelled in a previous post about his death from COVID-19.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 12, 2021 7:00 p.m. via Zoom