Board Meeting Notes — June 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the june 14 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. The Board approved expenses of $581.00 over–budget for Day in the Park equipment and Pet Parade prizes. FHA VP Pete Hudson...

Board Meeting Notes — Apr 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the April 12 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. Funds were requested and approved for May 22 Day in the Park: $2,500 and Emergency preparedness (CERT training reimbursements: $1,500). FHA...

FHA Board Meeting Notes — Mar 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided at the March 8 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. The Board is looking into a venue for in-person monthly meetings. Treasurer Tracy Corbin will be sending out a dock reimbursement form...

FHA Seeks Secretary

As mentioned during the virtual Annual Meeting, Lisa McNelley is unable to continue as secretary of the Floating Homes Association (FHA) due to other commitments. FHA President Michael Labate thanked Lisa for stepping in to replace Linda Sempliner and announced that the Board is seeking a new secretary. The duties...

Door Prizes Galore at Annual Meeting

During the February 17 FHA virtual Annual Meeting, Julie Durbin gave away more than $2,000 in door prizes. The prizes and lucky winners are: Winner Donor Prize Lewis Shireman F45 Training Corte Madera 2 week membership + swag bag Annette Jensen Michele Affronte Prize #1: Gift Card to their favorite...

Sea Level Rise Discussed at Annual Meeting

The February 17 FHA Annual Meeting on Zoom was was recorded for viewing later. You can find the link by clicking on News on the FHA website’s home page, then clicking on the paragraph beginning “Did you miss the 2022 FHA annual meeting…” to expand it. You will see a passcode which...

Straight Outa’ Brooklyn

They departed corporate New York and the ultra-cool Brooklyn scene directly to our floating homes lifestyle—they jumped right into purchasing their East Pier home before even testing their 3000–mile leap by renting! Tracy Corbin and her husband Scott knew that they had made the right move to live waterside.  Not...

FHA Finances Remain Strong

During the February 17 virtual FHA annual meeting, President Michael Labate introduced incoming treasurer Tracy Corbin of East Pier. Tracy shared a 2021 financial statement which showed that the FHA finished last year with $68,000 cash on hand, largely due to the successful Virtual Gala and Tour last June: Because...

Not too Late to Join FHA Annual Meeting

Everyone from the community is invited to attend the virtual Annual Meeting of the Floating Homes Association on February 17, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Here’s an outline of what to expect: FHA President Michael Labate will introduce new Board members Vice President Pete Hudson will introduce dock reps...

Sea Level Rise to Be Discussed at Annual Meeting

The City of Sausalito has created a Sea Level Rise Task Force to start helping the community plan for rising tides in the decades to come. The task force will also coordinate with the floating homes community and other neighbors on Richardson’s Bay to share knowledge across the entire Bay...