Board Meeting Notes — Aug 22

More carts to come, courtesy of FHA | photo by Flo Hoylman | post by Larry Clinton

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the August 9 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.

  • Tracy Corbin of East Pier is moving to West Marin and will resign her position as FHA treasurer. FHA secretary Linda Futrell will take over as treasurer. If you or someone you know might be interested in volunteering to replace Linda as secretary, please contact her directly. She’ll be able to describe the responsibilities of the position.
  • FHA VP Pete Hudson requested, and the Board approved, $3,500 to purchase 30 shopping carts and Apple Air Tags to trace them. John Ryan informed the Board that an Issaquah resident has offered to underwrite a portion of the expense. FHA President Michael Labate will also contact Mollie Stone’s for used carts.
  • John Ryan announced that Artists @ Issaquah will return October 15. The Bay Model plans to exhibit art from the floating homes community from February 13 to March 27, 2023. Further information to come.
  • Floating Times editor Larry Clinton will train with webmaster Jim Rettew on sending community emails and maintaining the email lists.
  • Pete Hudson announced that the next FHA free Day in the Park is scheduled for October 30.
  • Addison “Buz” Olian (Issaquah) submitted a proposal to create a photo album depicting current life on the floating home docks. The proposal was enthusiastically received. Monica Morant will coordinate with Buz to present a detailed project plan at the September Board meeting.
  • Pete Hudson and Jim Rettew will recruit for a consultant to replace Jim as webmaster. If you know of a qualified webmaster candidate, please contact Jim.
  • The Board agreed to continue meeting via Zoom until further notice.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 13, 2022.