Two Private Tours in One Day

On May 19, as crowds on the lawn at Van Damme Park enjoyed Day in the Park, the FHA’s tour committee had the inaugural run of its new format for group tours. Two groups of about a dozen each were led off to see what our unique lifestyle has to...

Culling an Invasive Species

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I was surprised and pleased to see lots of folks working on our shoreline. They turned out to be volunteers from Marin Audubon Society removing an invasive plant from our environment. The pesky intruder is Algerian sea lavender, which can set thousands of seeds and...

LAC Works to Preserve Rent Control

The FHA’s Legislative Action Committee (LAC) continues to discuss issues with county and state officials and explore the legal rights of our members under the Floating Homes Residency Law. At the recent Day in the Park, LAC members staffed a table to bring residents up to date on the status...

FHA Seeks Volunteers for Day in the Park

The May 19 Day in the Park is shaping up to be the best yet, with more activities for all ages, more sponsors, wine and beer for purchase, and a drawing for super prizes. Over 100 volunteers are needed to make it all happen. Volunteers are needed before and during...

County tightens floating home loophole

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Issaquah Dock residents, the Marin County Board of Supervisors has tightened regulations governing floating homes from outside the county. As reported in the Marin Independent Journal, the Supervisors “approved changes to the county code, specifying for the first time that anyone seeking to move...

FHA Seeks Sponsors for Day in the Park

Julie Durbin, PR and Marketing Committee Chair for the Floating Homes Association, is inviting local businesses, non-profits and other organizations to participate as sponsors of the May 19 Day in the Park. Julie points out: “our tightly knit community provides the best form of advertising: word of mouth. It is...

How to Take Action on Climate Change

East Pierians Wilford Welch and Terri Thomas presented a climate change symposium at the Sausalito Library in February. Wilford acknowledged the challenges of getting people to focus on these issues and move from concern about the climate crisis, to actions that individuals can take to solve it. He stressed that...

LAC Goes for Win-Win

The FHA’s Legal Action Committee (LAC) continues to pursue amending the Floating Homes Residency Law to address vacancy control, passthrough fees, and long-term leases in a way that is fair to all: owners of newer and larger homes, owners of smaller and older homes, and the marina operators themselves. The...

Eelgrass Has its Enforcers

Last week Michael Konrad of South 40 Pier provided a primer on eel grass, a key component of the ecology of Richardson’s Bay. This week he examines threats to eel grass and what is being done about them. The damage that anchored boats can inflict on eelgrass is often mentioned...