Board Meeting Notes – Apr 2021

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE APRIL 13 FHA BOARD MEETING: FHA President Michael Labate reported that Lew Cook, CEO of Waldo Point Harbor, passed away. The Board approved sending flowers to his memorial service. Larry Clinton announced that tickets for the June...

Momentum Building for Gala and Tour

The Sausalito Floating Homes Virtual Gala and Tour is gathering steam in preparation for our June 9 webcast. We’ve already established pages on Facebook and Instagram. If you visit either of these sites you can help spread the word: On Facebook please like the page for updates. And be sure...

Float-Ins Bustin’ Out All Over

It’s spring and float-in concerts are in full swing once again. Here’s an upcoming lineup: May 1, 2:00 p.m.: ‘Nother Mother Brothers, at the Tipi (white geometric) anchor-out May 2, 3:30 p.m.: A Dock hosts Three Rivers and a short opening set by Gabriel Barkin May 15, 2:00 p.m.: Stephen...

Virtual Floating Homes Tour This June

The FHA is planning a virtual open homes tour this June. We’ve been inspired by Performing Stars of Marin City, which staged an online gala last fall that netted $125,000. The centerpiece of our online production will be a walking tour, with visits to six homes and video interviews with...

Sausalito Art Festival Returns

Local artists just received this communication regarding the famous local art festival: The Sausalito Art Festival is proud to announce that Paul Anderson (former managing director of the SAF) and Kathleen Hughes (event director for the La Quinta Art Celebration) are bringing their experience and expertise to Sausalito to help...

Nearby Take-Out for Dinner

We are fortunate to be surrounded by nearby and neighborly restaurants offering take-out service, or delivery via couriers like Grubhub: Tommy’s Wok, 3001 Bridgeway, Suite H Dario’s Pizza and Pasta, 2829 Bridgeway Avatar’s, 2656 Bridgeway Buckeye Roadhouse, 15 Shoreline Hwy, Mill Valley Davey Jones Deli, Harbor Center, 1 Gate 6...

Herring Festival Online Jan 27

Sausalito’s Community Boating Center made great strides constructing an accessible, affordable marina in 2020 and is preparing to open in 2021. To celebrate, they’re staging a night full of sea shanties, fishy stories, raffle prizes and a silent auction in addition to cooking and mixology demos. Hosted by CBS News...