Momentum Building for Gala and Tour

The Train Wreck, a favorite of past tours, will be visited virtually this year  |  photo by Mike Lewis  |  post by Larry Clinton

The Sausalito Floating Homes Virtual Gala and Tour is gathering steam in preparation for our June 9 webcast. We’ve already established pages on Facebook and Instagram. If you visit either of these sites you can help spread the word:

On Facebook please like the page for updates. And be sure to click the “share” button to get the word out to friends!

On Instagram please follow our profile for more info, plus fun snippets of life on the docks. Be sure to like, comment, and share in your Instagram Stories!

As mentioned last week, the webcast will feature a guided tour of historical community landmarks, music performed by local bands, celebrity auctioneer State Senator Mike McGuire conducting a spirited auction of deluxe stay-and-play packages, a silent auction, and other fundraising attractions.

Other ways you can help

Because this virtual gala and tour is a totally new experience, it calls for volunteers with new skills, and expertise in areas such as soliciting and fulfilling auction items. If you’d like to help, please fill out the volunteer questionnaire. The tour committee will compile the responses and get right back to those willing to help.

Tickets go on sale next week

As soon as the technology is set up, we’ll begin selling tickets over the internet, and the community will receive an email with links and instructions for making purchases. Tickets start at $35 for individuals and $60 for households, and then are tiered higher for those who would like to extend additional support to our fundraising efforts. This will be the major fundraiser for the FHA this year. A portion of net proceeds will be shared with local nonprofits.

Look for weekly updates in the Floating Times, on social media, and on the FHA website.