People around the world are signing up to enjoy the color and diversity of Sausalito’s fabled waterfront community, participate in live and silent auctions, and be entertained by local bands from the comfort of their own homes during the Sausalito Floating Homes Virtual Gala and Tour on June 9.
Tickets, starting at $35, are available here. So far, over $500 worth have been sold, with new orders coming in daily.
This year’s gala will include a walking tour of historic local landmarks, from Victorian arks to World War II surplus vessels, as well as sites with connections to famous celebrities. Viewers will enjoy inside looks at some of the more colorful and dazzling residences from houseboats to floating palaces, and a chance to meet the owners of these eclectic vessels. New to the tour is the Mirene, a beautifully restored 112-year-old tugboat.
Master Magician and floating home resident Jay Alexander will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Throughout the event, music will be performed by local bands including MYTHYX, The Hot Clams, Julie Courtney and Doug Nichols, and waterfront legends Joe Tate, Maggie Catfish and Slim.
Celebrity auctioneer State Senator Mike McGuire will conduct a spirited auction of deluxe stay-and-play packages, including overnights on floating homes and boat tours of our community. A silent auction will feature arts and crafts by folks from the docks and other treasures. If you’d like to donate one of your works of art, please let Teddie Hathaway know.
Your help is needed
Below are some of the ways you can help contribute to our upcoming gala:
Auction: Sen. McGuire’s live auction should be the major fundraiser of the event. We are in need of someone to spend around two weeks or so contacting wineries and filling out their forms online to get donations, starting immediately. This does not require selling; the FHA can supply a list of wineries that are set up to make such donations, once their forms are filled out. If you’re willing to take on this important assignment, please contact Julie Durbin ASAP. If you’d like to join an auction brainstorming meeting on Zoom May 18 at 7:00 p.m., email production coordinator Jennifer Wong.
Snail Mail: Pick up a few postcards from your dock rep and mail them to friends and family who might want to attend our virtual gala.
Email: Send emails inviting other friends as well.
Social Media: Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram. Like our pages on these and other social media and share them with your contacts.
The gala will be webcast from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Wednesday, June 9. For more information go to the FHA Website. If you have specific questions about the gala and tour, reach out to the FHA.