Maritime Day Aug 6

Galilee Harbor’s annual Maritime Day festivities for 2022 will be held on Saturday, August 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 300 Napa Street. This free annual event features boat rides, live music, boatbuilding demonstrations, children’s activities, artists’ booths, a flea market, and food and drinks for purchase. Everyone...

 Let’s Get the Band Back Together

It’s almost 4th of July, time to reboot the Humming Toadfish Kazoo Band for the Sausalito parade. We’ve got the truck, the boombox, the CD full of Greatest Kazoo Hits, the decorations, and the costumes. All we need now is enthusiastic marching kazooers. No experience (or talent) is necessary. No...

Board Meeting Notes — June 2022

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the june 14 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. The Board approved expenses of $581.00 over–budget for Day in the Park equipment and Pet Parade prizes. FHA VP Pete Hudson...

Reliving Day in the Park

Bonny Meyer splits time between Issaquah Dock and the Napa Valley, where she’s a principal at Meyer Family Enterprises. She’s also the author of Perfectly Paired, the story of the love affair behind Silver Oak Cellars. And on top of that, she’s also an avid videographer, and recently completed a...

Do You Kazoo?

Would you like to help resurrect the Humming Toadfish Marching Kazoo Band for Sausalito’s 4th of July Parade? This band has been a long-time feature of the parade and won Best Overall Entry in 2009. The band needs a Director; the Director recruits kazoo players, selects the playlist of appropriate...

Joe Tate: Disruptor to Inventor

Joe Tate’s role in the 70’s Houseboat Wars is well documented (his video Last Free Ride is available online and in libraries) but when I ask about the feud, he claims his role was a saboteur or disruptor in modern usage. With his co-conspirators, floating ropes laced with metal shards...

A Full, Fun Day in the Park

On May 22, the weather cooperated and helped make the FHA’s free Day in the Park a resounding success. Event coordinator Pete Hudson reported that Davey Jones’ paella (4 varieties) was a smash: “I bought 200 compostable single–use food serving bowls and 200 compostable spoons and all were used,” he...

Ember Stomp May 28

Fire Safe Marin and Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority present “Ember Stomp,” a wildfire prevention and preparedness festival. This free event will create an opportunity to further build community while enjoying interactive games and demonstrations that educate Marin County residents on wildfire safety. The festival will honor community activists, highlight wildfire...