What a Load of Crap!

Recently a South 40 resident bagged over 20 dog deposits on the South 40 lawn and left the bags along a path as perhaps a too-subtle reminder to dog owners to pick up after their pets. A half hour later, a fresh deposit was spotted...

Evacuation Training Apr 16

What should we do when emergency services tell us to evacuate? Find out in a critical conversation with Southern Marin First Responders on Tuesday, April 16. Representatives of the Marin County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services and Southern Marin...

Get CERTified

Learn how to cope with emergencies affecting our community. The life you save may be your own… or your neighbor’s. Get Ready Marin is offering Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) at two nearby locations in April: Mill Valley: Thursday, April 4, 6:30-9:30 p.m. plus two...

Board Meeting Notes – Mar 2019

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE MARCH BOARD MEETING: During the Open Forum portion of the meeting, Christina Leimer from East Pier proposed that the...

Tom Dugan Passes Away

Long time floating homes resident Tom Dugan passed away March 15—two days before St. Patrick’s Day. Tom and his wife Blaise moved to Gate 6 ½ from A Dock in 1997. He loved the view from their south-facing deck, except for a line of unsightly...

Spotlight on Floating Homes

The blog Neighborhoods.com has published a spotlight on Sausalito that begins with a visit to the floating homes. The post tells how our community evolved from the postwar era of “quirky, colorful houseboats” while keeping its “eccentric coastal charm.” “Over 400 houseboats in Sausalito’s Richardson Bay...

Julie and Her Fairy Tale

Pinwheels, flowers, and glass orbs decorate the porch of the little storybook lifeboat house at the head of West Pier called the Fairy Tale. Inside you’ll find Julie Durbin, her 15-year-old cats Lao Xu and Gilligan, and Chinese lanterns and masks. Somewhere in the curves,...

Getting Involved in 2019

Community involvement was the theme of this year’s Floating Homes Association Annual Membership Meeting. A capacity crowd gathered in the Bay Model meeting hall to hear new FHA President Michael Labate and VP Taylor Ray announce that 2019 is the year of participation in FHA...

2018 Financial Report

At the Annual Meeting, FHA Treasurer Teddie Hathaway presented a statement of FHA finances as of the end of last year, shown below. The Association met its 2018 budget, which called for a loss as we did not have the Annual Tour. We will be...