Too often, plastic, cigarette butts, and styrofoam cups mar our beautiful bay shores. For thirty-five years, people have worked to change that. Volunteer with the FHA Environmental Committee and pick up trash along our waterfront during Coastal Cleanup Day Saturday, Sept. 21.
Our FHA team will meet at the Waldo Point Harbor park at 9:30 am and remove litter from West Pier to Commodore. We should be done around 11 or 11:30 a.m. We encourage you to bring your own gloves and buckets, if you have them!
After picking up recyclable and trash items, you are invited to join volunteers from all over Marin for a barbecue thank you at the Bay Model. The free event, with live music and raffle prizes, is from noon to 2 p.m.
Let’s keep our waterfront beautiful! To volunteer, fill out this form. View and share our event flyer or contact your site captain Jen Gennari if you have questions.
Big Picture: Trash mars our beautiful shoreline Action: 2 hours on a Saturday… that’s all it takes
For more info: https://coastal.ca.gov/publiced/ccd/ccd.html