Community Meet and Greet Well Received

The first of the community meetings with our government representatives—organized by East Pier residents Carole Angermier and Wilford Welch, and Brad and Teddie Hathaway—kicked off Sunday afternoon (February 28) with Kate Sears, our County Supervisor. The informal setting at 1 East Pier was meant as a discussion, not a speech,...

RBRA and Sausalito City Council at Loggerheads

Anchorage Discussions Continue At the Sausalito City Council meeting January 26 much of the agenda was about dealing with the anchorage in the bay. Lt. Bill Fraass, Sausalito Police Department’s marine officer, presented a two-part plan to deal with the Richardson Bay anchorage. Although there was no discussion about the...

The Value of FHA Membership

Membership in the Floating Homes Association is how we engage our community in the activities that provide support for our lifestyle, building positive relationships with the larger community and ensuring safety and security for members and neighbors. In order to balance the workload required to maintain an effective volunteer community...

FHA ANNUAL MEETING, Saturday, February 27th

  Seems like we just turned the page to January and here it is February. Time for the Floating Homes Association’s annual meeting. We continue our tradition by holding the meeting at the Bay Model, Saturday evening, February 27. All members of the community are invited to attend. Registration begins at 5 p.m. — the meeting convenes at 5:30...

First 2016 Tour Committee Meeting – March 14

  The Tour Committee is beginning to plan for this year’s annual open homes tour, set for September 24. Most Committee members are returning from last year, but there are still some important positions open. If you’re interested in being part of this fun, energetic group, plan to attend the...