Meet the PR/Marketing Committee

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be presenting brief profiles of the members of the FHA Public Relations and Marketing Committee. East Pier resident Kelly English has lived in the community for 12 years. She loves the outdoors and access to trails for biking and hiking. She runs her own...

Ted Sempliner Returns to Catalina

When long–time East Pierian Ted Sempliner was a boy, his family spent many happy weekends aboard their yacht at Catalina. Ted, who passed away in May, was one of those kids who dove for coins tossed from the Catalina Ferry, and always considered the island his favorite place. So that’s...

Ted Sempliner Suffers Fatal Fall

Ex-East Pier resident Ted Sempliner passed away peacefully on May 21 after a fall at SFO. He and his wife Linda were joining Teddie and Brad Hathaway for a cruise when he tripped and fell, hit his head, went into a coma, and never awakened. Dock rep Carole Angermeir wrote...

East Pier Gets a Book Shed

East Pierians Carole Angermier and Teddie Hathaway love the way the denizens of the dock share books. But books left out for neighbors to view often got caught in heavy dew or even, on rare occasion, rain. Plus, the green transformer box which was used to display no-longer-wanted items could...

Artists’ Studios Open Apr 30

The 29th Annual Marin Open Studios begins on the weekend of April 30-May 1, continuing on the following weekend. Dozens of local artists will invite visitors into their studios as in the past. But there will also be group exhibitions at public venues, including the ICB Building, Falkirk Mansion and...

Straight Outa’ Brooklyn

They departed corporate New York and the ultra-cool Brooklyn scene directly to our floating homes lifestyle—they jumped right into purchasing their East Pier home before even testing their 3000–mile leap by renting! Tracy Corbin and her husband Scott knew that they had made the right move to live waterside.  Not...

Otters Popping Up all Over

“After Decades Away, River Otters Make a Triumphant Return to the Bay Area” reported Bay Nature Magazine in 2016. Writer Kat McGown reported: “the fact that otters are back in the Bay Area of their own accord without any reintroduction program to help them looks like a reason to declare...

Best Wishes to Ted and Linda Sempliner

Two of our community’s most active members, Ted and Linda Sempliner, are leaving their East Pier home to move closer to family in Ohio. During their three decades here, they’ve made innumerable contributions to the Floating Homes Association that benefitted the community as a whole. The couple met while Ted...