Wilford Welch, of East Pier, will address the climate crisis and the actions each of us can take to be part of the solution in a talk this Thursday. Starting at 7:00 p.m., Wilford will speak at the Sausalito library, drawing upon insights he developed during the course of researching and writing the 2021 edition of his book, In Our Hands.
His book is the primary text, and Wilford is the lead teacher, in the Presidio Graduate School ’s Climate Essentials program for teachers across the United States. The book is also the lead text in the Presidio’s Climate Justice program that started this week for teachers in the Sausalito Marin City Schools District. In writing it, Wilford drew upon a lifetime of experience as a diplomat, international newspaper publisher, international business consultant to Fortune 500 companies, and author.
A recent profile in the alumni publication of his prep school stated:
Wilford believes we are at a critical juncture in the 300,000-year journey of the human species on our planet, and that inaction will irreparably damage future generations. “This is the decade when our actions—or our failure to act—will determine the future of humanity,” he said. “After six decades of failure to take incremental actions to get off our addiction to fossil fuels, we are now running out of time. We have the technological capabilities we need to solve this crisis, but we do not yet have the will to do so.”
The accompanying photo shows Wilford with Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu at a Quest for Global Healing gathering in Bali, organized by Wilford and his wife Carole Angermeir.