Board Meeting Notes — July 2023

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE JUly 11 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. FHA treasurer Linda Futrell reported that thanks in part to Day in the Park the FHA’s bank balance grew by $3,593,...

Board Meeting Notes — June 2023

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the June 13 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. FHA President Pete Hudson reported that the recent Day in the Park netted about $2500 despite some one-time costs which should...

FHA Announces Legislative Advocacy Committee

The Floating Homes Association is currently restructuring its Government Affairs Committee to enhance its purpose and scope and establish what will become the Legislative Advocacy Committee (LAC). The opportunity to reimagine the Government Affairs Committee presented itself when Teddie Hathaway stepped down from her post as Chairperson after several years dedicated...

Board Meeting Notes — Apr 2023

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the April 11 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. President Pete Hudson set increasing FHA membership as the most important goal for 2023. Dock reps have been updating dock rosters...

Board Meeting Notes — Mar 2023

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the March 14 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.  FHA President Pete Hudson reviewed his vision for FHA 2023/4 including: More committee involvement, follow–ups and accountability Focusing on 5 or...

Watch the 2023 FHA Annual Meeting

Thanks to Scott Stoneback of Main Dock for videotaping the FHA annual meeting last month. The 97-minute video begins with new FHA President Pete Hudson’s welcome remarks and ends with a door prize drawing conducted by Mari Steeno and Michele Affronte. It can be viewed on YouTube.  A link will...

The Best Annual Meeting Ever?

A packed house jammed the basement of the Pines mansion on February 25 for the annual meeting and membership party of the Floating Homes Association. Incoming FHA President Pete Hudson kicked off the evening by noting that this was the first in–person FHA meeting in three years. He then introduced...

Annual Meeting Sold Out

Since the Bay Model is no longer hosting nighttime functions, we’ve been lucky to move our Annual Meeting and party to the beautiful Pines Victorian, shown above. Reservations for the February event have reached capacity. The proceedings will be recorded, and a link to that video will be available on...

Last Call for Feb 25 Annual Meeting Reservations

Reservations have been pouring in for the FHA Annual Membership Meeting and party at the Victorian mansion known as the Pines. The evening will begin with a one-hour business meeting featuring a panel discussion on the recent rent stabilization law covering our marinas, an address by Felecia Gaston, Marin City...

Reserve Now for Annual Meeting Feb 25

The February 25 FHA Annual Meeting and party at the Victorian mansion known as the Pines will be a very special event. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a one-hour business meeting featuring keynote speakers, updates on FHA activities, a 2022 financial report, and, of course, door prizes....