- FHA treasurer Linda Futrell reported that thanks in part to Day in the Park the FHA’s bank balance grew by $3,593, reducing the Year-to-Date loss to $11,140. Membership dues continue to outpace the amount budgeted for 2023 YTD.
- FHA President Pete Hudson noted that membership lists have been distributed to dock reps. They will keep them current. Pete commented that now it’s time for reps to start contacting residents who need to renew, forgot to renew or who need help renewing their membership. There was discussion about changing the dues structure in 2024. Residents will be given ample notice so they can lock in the current one-year or three-year rate if they choose. East Pier dock rep Jason Landis offered to be sure the information about member benefits on the website is up to date.
- The Private Tour Committee is being restructured, starting with a brainstorming session to be scheduled soon. after a framework structure is developed. If you are interested in participating, contact Pete.
- Pete reported that the Legislative Advocacy Committee, which replaces the Government Affairs Committee, will be up and running soon. The committee will take on everything from AB252 to the permitting of new floating homes and any other regulatory or legislative issue that impacts our community. If you’d like to join the committee, contact Pete.
- The autumn Day in the Park (DITP) event will be Sunday, October 29. This time, the day will include instruction elements on floating home living (i.e., information on ropes, hulls, sewage, dock conditions).
- The FHA is ordering shopping carts for each dock that needs them, but supply chain issues are delaying delivery.
- West Pier Dock Rep Aislyn Green discussed a project to secure bike storage in our community. The complete presentation is available online. The project would require substantial upfront funding, to be recouped over time by rent paid by bike shelter users.
- Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman announced that there will be a Ready-Sausalito Emergency Preparedness Fair on September 9 at MLK Park with food, emergency preparedness vendors, etc. Look for more information later in the Floating Times. There was a discussion of a community disaster drill, especially for rescuing residents who fall overboard.
- FHA Vice President Liz Brott reported that there is a fair amount of debugging going on to rectify earlier website development efforts. Specifically, there appears to be a notable difference between the version of the website one gets on their phone versus the version they see on their PC. She is working to make these consistent.
- New Public Relations and Marketing chair Julie Durbin (West Pier) believes we need a social media presence. She also has ideas on the DITP event and how to generate fundraising revenue streams. She is in search of people who can and would like people to volunteer who have experience with marketing and event planning and do not mind making phone calls. Please reach out to Julie if you’d like to help!
- Commodore Alternate Rep Sasha Cole reported before the meeting that Assemblymember Damon Connolly told him there will be no legislative action on AB252 rent stabilization legislation until next year. Pete encouraged those who are interested to join the Legislative Action Committee.
- There was general agreement to continue efforts to pursue EV charging stations in each marina.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 8, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom