The Floating Homes Association Board of Directors is revisiting our current logo and we need your help!
We are considering two possible options:
1) Updating the current logo: keeping the familiar image but modernizing its presentation and the associated text font, or
2) Creating an entirely new logo with a fresh design reflective of our community.
To get it rolling, we want to hear your creative ideas for an FHA logo that captures the essence of Sausalito and our unique waterfront lifestyle. After reviewing all your great ideas and suggestions (and with a little help from our friends in graphics), we’ll create 4 or 5 new logo ideas and present them for member review and comment in early December.
All FHA members are invited to participate. Please submit input to FHALogo@gmail.com no later than October 29, 2023.
Please submit graphics in PNG format, 600 DPI or less
Thank you all in advance for your participation!