WPH Wins Beautification Award

Waldo Point Harbor has received a 2018 Beautification Award from Sausalito Beautiful, a non-profit group of volunteers working to create, enhance and protect public landscapes in and around town. Sausalito Beautiful Awards Chair Maureen McCoy recognized that the harbor has “improved the aesthetics of a...

Anchor-Out Artist Wins Best of Show

Well-known Sausalito artists Stephen Ehret and his painting partner Jennifer Fearon won Best of Show at the Marin County Fair for their collaborative painting “Blue Mind.” According to Sausalito Currents: Stephen Ehret has been a fixture around the docks of Sausalito for many years. The...

Dock Party Season is Here

On June 22, Issaquah neighbors and friends gathered to welcome back dock alums Emily and Stuart Riddell. Having moved to Southern California, the Riddells traveled back up here for an annual bluegrass bash at Grass (where else?) Valley. Over on East Pier two days later,...

Issaquah Art Show & Sale Sept 8

The work of 16 artists, in ten floating homes, will be exhibited in a celebration of art, floating home life, and creativity on Saturday, Sept. 8. The Artists@Issaquah show and sale will feature glass, jewelry, painting, photography, and sculpture, all by waterfront artists. Founded in...

Snapshots of Summer

It’s nice to step back, now and then, and appreciate life on Richardson Bay. Whether waterskiing further out in deep water, backflipping into the Lagoon closer to home, or simply enjoying the reflections as they come off the water, ours is a particularly unique vantage...

We’re Where It’s At

Last week the Marin Independent Journal reported on a recent study that determined: “Amid accelerating sea level rise from climate change, Marin County has the highest number of households in California vulnerable to coastal flooding.” Main Dock’s Rusty Hendley passed along the above editorial cartoon, which...

Beware the Tides of Summer

We’ve already experienced tides as high as 6.8 ft. in June, but more are on their way in July. It’s time to consult the tide charts and anticipate your travel needs and trip planning to take tides into consideration. When leaving town, it’s always a...