After a one-year hiatus, the Floating Homes Association will once again present our open homes tour, on Saturday, September 14, 2019.
Over a dozen homes will be open, ranging in styles from cozy to palatial. Homeowners will be encouraged to docent their own boats and answer questions about our unique waterfront lifestyle.
Most members of the 2017 Tour Committee have agreed to reprise their roles again this year, but some key positions still need to be filled. If you’d like to help, please contact me or co-director Barbara Rycerski . The first Tour Committee will be held in January to begin preliminary planning.
Once again, we anticipate needing about 200 volunteers to stage this event. Volunteers work a half-day shift and are entitled to take the tour for free; prior experience is not necessary. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer, please contact our 2019 volunteer coordinator Karen Tischler.
The tour is the major funding vehicle for the FHA, and also benefits participating local nonprofits.