Gary Appleton Dies

Gary Appleton, longtime resident of the Appleton Ark near the new Van Damme Dock, passed away in July. Gary moved to Sausalito from the Monterey Peninsula in 1959 and established his career as a commercial painter. But his true passion was his home in Waldo...

Supes Adopt Short-Term Rental Regs

On August 7, The Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to adopt an Ordinance regarding short-term rentals in the unincorporated areas of Marin, where most floating homes docks are located. The Ordinance requires those operating short-term rentals to apply for a business license, and...

Coastal Clean Up Day: Volunteer!

Want to make a difference to the beauty of Richardson Bay? For a second year, the FHA Environmental Committee is hosting a Coastal Cleanup team to take care of our waterfront, from West Pier to Commodore. Join us Saturday, Sept. 15, from 9 to 11 a.m....

Help Wanted: Classified Ad Manager

The Classified ads in the Floating Times also appear on the FHA website. They are sold on a calendar year basis, pro-rated for those who begin advertising partway through the year. The Ad Manager sends out invoices to current advertisers once a year; keeps track...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – July 2018

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE July 10 BOARD MEETING: Jenny Stein mentioned the need to find someone to oversee the ads for the Floating...

Galilee Maritime Day August 4

The annual free celebration at Galilee Harbor takes place on Saturday, August 4 in the area at the foot of Napa Street. From 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the day will feature exhibits of historic vessels, boat rides, dinghy races and a marine flea market....