Cheers to Tom Dugan

Neighbors from the floating homes community joined other friends of Tom Dugan for a traditional Irish wake on Memorial Day. Tom and his wife Blaise had lived on A Dock and Gate 6 ½ for many years until he passed away two days before St....

Richardson’s Bay in the News…Again

The national media’s fascination with our anchor-out neighbors continues. The May 17 Wall St. Journal carried an article titled: “Home Prices Lead Some To the Water,” which is available online under a longer headline. Writer Jim Carlton leads off by stating: “Homelessness has become such...

Sep 14 Tour Progressing Well

The Tour Committee has been hard at work, with lots of progress to report on our September 14 Open Homes Tour. Michele Affronte and Mari Steeno have lined up 8 homes, on Liberty, Van Damme and Issaquah. If you know of other residents on those...

Life on the Water: Both Sides Now

It’s gone viral around here, so perhaps you’ve seen the New York Times article titled Living on the Water—Houseboats can be a more affordable way to live near a city center. Published on April 26, the article starts by describing how Aislyn Greene and Jeannie...

Help Available for Replacing Pilings

Broken or unstable pilings can become hazardous for floating home residents and their neighbors. The FHA has become aware that some residents can’t afford to replace damaged pilings, but now the Marin Housing Authority has announced it will finance the replacement of pilings owned by low...

Anchor-Outs Past and Present

KQED News is airing a report entitled “From Arks to Anchor-Outs: The History of Waterfront Living on Richardson Bay.”  Written and narrated by reporter/producer Ryan Levi, the piece contains interviews with two long-term anchor-outs and local officials. You can read or listen to the report...