Prepare for Long PG&E Outages

It is quite probable that we will experience a 3-5 day power outage to prevent a fire in the future. When conditions of low humidity, wind, and high temperatures are present, PG&E may issue a power outage red flag warning. It could impact a very...

Greasers & Floaters

Over 70 folks found their way to the WPH Lagoon—in kayaks, SUPs, rafts, inflatables, and other small craft—to watch the movie Grease on a warm spring evening. A large screen was hung from the roof of Daren Joy’s Liberty Dock home and neighbors crowded their...

Join a Bioblitz and Snap a Pic

The California Academy of Sciences is sponsoring a statewide effort to discover, record, and share observations of plants, seaweeds, and animals found along the California coast, and no prior experience is needed to participate. Just head out to the shoreline between now and June 16...

Grease on the Water

Come one, come all to the Float-In Movie! Next Saturday June 8, Steve Sekhon and friends will be showing the classic sing-along musical romance Grease. It’s a fun, happy movie with songs that you surely know the words to. Please show up on your floating...

Clearing Debris at Main Dock

Waldo Point Harbor is in the final stages of its 5-year renovation project. The docks are complete, the parking lots are raised, the seawall is in place and the new vegetation is flourishing. All that’s left to do are the final moves of homes onto...