Concerned about education in Marin?
WHO: Jenny Silva
WHAT: hosts a dinner discussion
ABOUT: housing’s impact on education
WHY: to see what we can do
WHERE: Jenny’s house #27 East Pier
WHEN: DEC 4 6:30 p.m.
Additional info: contact Jenny
WHAT: hosts a dinner discussion
ABOUT: housing’s impact on education
WHY: to see what we can do
WHERE: Jenny’s house #27 East Pier
WHEN: DEC 4 6:30 p.m.
Additional info: contact Jenny
Come for dinner and a discussion with Laura Foote, executive director of YIMBY*, to discuss the Bay Area housing crisis and the impact it is having on our local schools and the ability to attract teachers. Dinner will be provided. Attendance limited to 30, so please RSVP to Jenny — jrskis@gmail.com.
This is not a fundraiser. The evening is primarily an opportunity to educate, and secondarily to identify, folks in Marin who may be willing to take steps to address these issues (by calling representatives, sending emails, etc.).
* YIMBY Yes In My Back Yard… in contrast to NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard)