Signs of Life at RBRA

The Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency has finally held its first public meeting since Sausalito withdrew from the organization at the end of June. A July meeting was cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Another meeting scheduled for August 10 was also cancelled. The agency...

Tour Offers Full Day of Fun

In addition to the 15 homes that will be open on September 30, we’ve planned a full schedule of other pleasures for attendees at our 32nd Floating Homes Tour. Talented resident artists and authors will display works for sale: Katy Boyd, Katharine Butler, Marc Gounard,...

Open Forum – Sept 18 – FHA Meeting

To continue our community conversation, OPEN FORUM will be included in the March, June and September Board meetings. We are interested in your thoughts about where our time and attention should be focused. Your input is most welcome and appreciated. Please join us.   WHEN:    SEPTEMBER...