RBRA Back in Business

The November 9 meeting of the Richardson Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) took place in Mill Valley City Council Chambers. Prior to the City of Sausalito’s withdrawal from the agency most RBRA meetings took place at the Sausalito City Chambers. Meeting locations will now rotate among the...

FHA Tour to Skip a Year

It’s been my pleasure to work on all 32 Floating Home Tours, and to co-chair the Tour Committee for the past several years. During that time I’ve met some extraordinary people, and forged lasting friendships with many of them. This year was no exception, and...

East Pier Adventurer

The newest world class mariner among our floating homes community is Lia Ditton. Originally from England, she has sailed 150,000 nautical miles, an equivalent of 8 laps around the globe! Her newest adventure involves rowing in a 21’ ocean rower from Japan to San Francisco. This 5,500-nautical-mile...

Buy a Dock — Benefit a Vet

Local nonprofit program—Transformational Sailing—the first veterans’ PTSD resilience and team-building sailing program on SF Bay—is launching a major fundraiser. Floating docks—sourced from a boat harbor on Richardson Bay currently replacing all their docks—will be for sale. The docks being replaced have been granted to Transformational Sailing...