A Toast to Sausalito Oct 19

This year’s Toast to Sausalito street festival on Caledonia Street from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 19 will feature three stages for live entertainment, a variety of food options, and more than 50 arts and crafts vendors. The event is free to attend, and more than 60 wineries,...

Sausalito Boat Show This Weekend

The Sausalito Boat Show returns for the second year at Clipper Yacht Harbor this Friday, October 4 to Sunday, October 6. Attendees will enjoy an expanded showcase of sailboats and powerboats, accompanied by engaging seminars, local cuisine, live music, and family activities. Single-day tickets are $25 in advance or $30...

Marin City Heritage Picnic Oct 12

The Culture Keepers of Marin City will host a family picnic including live music and activities on Saturday Oct 12 from noon to 6 p.m. at Rocky Graham Park. The picnic features fried chicken lunches prepared by chef Jordan Alexander of Jordan’s Culinary Creations, including two pieces of chicken, potato...

Wild and Free on the Waterfront

Author Jennifer Gennari has written a history of Sausalito’s counterculture houseboat community for the current issue of Marin Magazine. Titled Wild and Free, the article is illustrated with historic black and white photographs by Catherine Lyons-Labate of A Dock from her coffee table book, Once Upon a Waterfront. Jen’s article...

Who Will Be Your Dock Rep?

Annual elections for dock reps and alternate reps will be conducted in November. To be nominated, an individual must be a member of the Floating Homes Association, and a resident of the community (homeowner or renter). Responsibilities and Opportunities for a Dock Representative: Attend monthly FHA board meetings (dock rep...

Progress and Challenges for Local School District

We recently reported on the consolidation of students from Marin City to the Sausalito school campus in order to pool resources and maintain more efficient operations. As the Marin IJ has reported: “The issue was controversial because of the transfer of middle school students out of Marin City, leaving its...

Legislative Action Committee (LAC) Marks Progress

Following the FHA’s communication of attorney Ken Coren’s memo to the Marina owners, WPH and Kappas requested to meet. LAC responded by establishing a subgroup to meet with marina executives that included residents of all harbors. The subgroup’s primary purpose was to explain LAC’s opposition to fees charged since the...

Board Meeting Notes—Sept 2024

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE SEPT 9 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. Treasurer Linda Futrell reported that year-to-date income of $56,979 is 85% of budget and $52,368 in expenses are 72% of budget with a YTD...

Main Dock Resident Runs for School Board

Rebecca Lytle, PhD, a long-time resident of Marin County now living on Main Dock, has announced plans to run this November for a seat on the Sausalito Marin City School District Board. Board members work with the school superintendent and guide decisions to ensure accountability as advocates for children, the...

FHA Seeks New Officers

Floating Homes Association President Pete Hudson, Vice President Liz Brott, and Secretary Candice Gold have all reached the end of their terms in office, and have decided not to seek re-election, so the Association is seeking candidates for those offices. Each officer serves a two-year term and may repeat until...