Floating Homes Association President Pete Hudson, Vice President Liz Brott, and Secretary Candice Gold have all reached the end of their terms in office, and have decided not to seek re-election, so the Association is seeking candidates for those offices. Each officer serves a two-year term and may repeat until a successor is duly elected.
We thank Pete, Liz and Candice for their service. Now it’s time for new candidates to be nominated.
This is a critical juncture for the FHA, with issues such as rent control, sea level rise and fundraising all on the table. The Board needs strong leadership to carry out its mission of protecting our unique community, our environment, and the rights of the homeowners and residents. The FHA strives to support our neighbors, build positive relationships, and ensure the safety and security of our community. We encourage you to get involved!
If you, or someone you know, would like to join this dynamic organization and continue the important work to support our mission, please consider volunteering for the FHA Board of Directors. There is a lot of exciting work to do, and we need you! Please contact FHA Board President Pete Hudson to submit a nomination or for more information.