The Nine Lives of the Charles Van Damme

The IOO+-year-old ferry boat Charles Van Damme is an historic part our local waterfront. Learn about the ship’s many lives from the first car ferry, restaurant, sixties music venue to a local public exhibit on Friday February 2I at the Sausalito Library. Judyth Greenburgh and Michael Rex tell the Charles...

Just Like Us – Only Opposite

Jarl Forsman of Issaquah Dock found a website that tells of a French village of upside-down boat houses. Equihen Plage is a fishing port and farming village on the English Channel coast. Back at the beginning of the 1900s, as many boats were abandoned on the shore, local fishermen used...

Board Meeting Notes – Jan 2020

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE JANUARY BOARD MEETING: A discussion was held about the need to bring in more funds in 2020 as there will be no big Tour....

Battery Backup Lightbulbs

Late last year I received an extra gift from my mother. It was a package with four battery backup light bulbs. These bulbs have a battery built in, so when the power goes out I will still have light. The bulbs I received are from a company called BrightLiving. The...

Local Weather Forecasts

Unfortunately, none of the local TV weather services accurately reports North Richardson Bay weather; nor does the Weather Channel’s banner for Sausalito. The only one forecaster that does is Weather Underground, a San Francisco-based forecasting service built on a network of 180,000 reporting stations. WU has dozens of local wi-fi reporting...

E-waste Collection Jan 25

The City of Sausalito’s annual E-waste Collection Event returns to the City Hall parking lot on Saturday, January 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to bring old and worn out electronic equipment to the parking lot, which may be entered off Bee Street. The e-waste collection...

Herring Celebration & Fundraiser Jan 26

The annual herring lunch and film-screening fundraiser for the Sausalito Community Boating Center at Cass Gidley Marina will be held on Sunday, January 26. Herring dishes from local restaurants will be served. Tickets are $40 and include a lunch of herring dishes presented by Sausalito restaurants. Beer, wine and other...

The Roiling Sea

Sea level is not level at all. Just as the surface of the earth is not flat, the surface of the ocean is not flat. Because the earth rotates to the east and because the ocean responds slowly to the rotation* and the surface of the sea piles up along...

Predicting Abnormally High-Water Events

As described previously, tide tables are merely estimates calculated by averaging the highs and lows for the last ten years and projecting them forward for the coming year(s). During periods of rain, tide tables must be adjusted to higher levels than forecast. Here is a high water level forecasting tool...