Private Tours, such as this one on East Pier, have proven popular in the past | photo by Mike Lewis | post by Larry Clinton
A discussion was held about the need to bring in more funds in 2020 as there will be no big Tour. Teddie Hathaway will present the budget at the next meeting. Members are asked to let Teddie know if they know of expenses for 2020.
Pete Hudson, Flo Hoylman, Stefan Krug and Carole Angermeir are working on a plan for how the docks would deal with waste management during power outages. After we get something established with the harbor masters, we would need to get the Sanitary District to buy off on it. The goal is to have the proposed plan for discussion at the February 11 meeting.
The FHA Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, February 29 at Bay Model. Katherine Boschetto will not be attending the meeting so she gave Michael items that need to be handled. Pete Hudson will help the new membership chairs to oversee the event. We will prepare a “how to” checklist for planning future annual meetings. As part of the door prize drawing, we will seek donations of items or services from residents. Check back in February for more Annual Meeting details.
Kathryn Soter is stepping down as Sponsorship Manager and we need to find someone to renew current sponsors and to respond to advertising inquiries. If interested, please contact Larry Clinton.
A discussion was held about naming the new Waldo Point park. The consensus was to name it Van Damme Park as artifacts from the ferry will be a part of the park. Michael Labate and Pete Hudson will speak with Waldo Point Harbor about this. Ericka LaVigne moved that we support the name Van Damme Park, Jen Gennari seconded it. Motion carried.
Artists@Issaquah will be held again this September 2020. FHA Day in the Park will return in October, with a later start time than last year.
54% of homes on 11 docks contain FHA members. The Membership Chairs, Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman, will work with the dock reps to update dock rosters and to sign up new members. They would like to do a census of residents to update contact info and determine residents’ needs. Linda Sempliner will send out membership solicitations. Larry will edit last year’s membership letters.
It was suggested that we cut back on the weekly email alerts to new articles in the Floating Times. Larry will determine whether and how we can do this.
Stefan will check with Flo for a list of lessons learned from the power outages. Larry will publish them in the Floating Times.
Court Mast and Stefan attended the most recent Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency meeting. Stefan reported that the BCDC is cracking down on eliminating all anchor outs. They will continue to monitor the meetings.
Environmental Chair Jennifer Gennari will look into a long-term project to install solar car ports. A more immediate need is electric car chargers for every marina. Coastal Cleanup will be September 26 this year.
There are no private tours scheduled until 2021. Katherine Boschetto is sending information to destination management companies and previous attendees to schedule for this year. This should be a major source of income this year. If you know of any industry or private tour groups, please share their contact information with Katherine. We also need homes and docents for each tour. We will add volunteer sign-up sheets to the Annual Meeting agenda.