The annual herring lunch and film-screening fundraiser for the Sausalito Community Boating Center at Cass Gidley Marina will be held on Sunday, January 26.
Herring dishes from local restaurants will be served. Tickets are $40 and include a lunch of herring dishes presented by Sausalito restaurants. Beer, wine and other beverages are $5.
Tickets also include a morning or afternoon showing of film The Raft, a 2018 documentary about five men and six women who drifted across the Atlantic on a raft as part of a scientific experiment studying the sociology of violence, aggression, and sexual attraction. The Raft has received an 80% critics approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Mary Gidley, a survivor of the experiment, will appear in person.
Two ticket options are available: an 11:00 a.m. screening and 1:00 p.m. herring lunch; and a 1:00 p.m. herring lunch and 2:30 p.m. film screening.
Raucous and irreverent songs of the sea will be performed by The Fishwives, and many waterfront allies will also be on site promoting responsible stewardship of the marine environment.
All proceeds benefit the Sausalito Community Boating Center.