Volunteer to Clean our Shoreline Sept 21

Too often, plastic, cigarette butts, and styrofoam cups mar our beautiful bay shores. For thirty-five years, people have worked to change that. Volunteer with the FHA Environmental Committee and pick up trash along our waterfront during Coastal Cleanup Day Saturday, Sept. 21. Our FHA team will meet at the Waldo...

The Sinking of the Red Barge

  WHO: Charles Bush WHAT: Reads from his novel Houseboat Wars WHERE: Sausalito Library WHEN: July 9 at 7:00 p.m. Charles Bush is a former attorney who represented the waterfront dwellers during the County’s attempts to evict them in the 70s. He’s now written a novel based on those events,...

More Carts on Order

After polling dock reps to determine the need for replacement shopping carts, the Floating Homes Association has ordered 27 new carts for use by residents. Three types were ordered and should be delivered in the next few weeks. Dock reps will be notified of their arrival and can pick up...

Private Tour For Special Groups

On June 12, the Floating Homes Association offered a private tour to members of Sausalito Village and Friends of the Marin City Library. Both organizations have participated in our Open Homes tour for a number of years, providing dozens of volunteers. About 30 attendees were met in front of East...

Pigeon Problem on Your Pier?

On East Pier, we’ve noticed a lot more pigeons recently. Besides being messy and noisy, they can carry diseases that will make people sick. Since pigeons can nest 6 times each year, we could quickly see hundreds of these birds. It’s a problem we want to stop before it spreads,...

Board Meeting Notes – June 2019

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE JUNE BOARD MEETING: Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman reported that the new FHA Resilient Neighborhoods team has had two meetings and has 13 members...

Prepare for Long PG&E Outages

It is quite probable that we will experience a 3-5 day power outage to prevent a fire in the future. When conditions of low humidity, wind, and high temperatures are present, PG&E may issue a power outage red flag warning. It could impact a very large area of Marin or...

Greasers & Floaters

Over 70 folks found their way to the WPH Lagoon—in kayaks, SUPs, rafts, inflatables, and other small craft—to watch the movie Grease on a warm spring evening. A large screen was hung from the roof of Daren Joy’s Liberty Dock home and neighbors crowded their floats to join the fun....