Floating Home Market Update

The Secret is Out With the near completion of the multiple-year (decade?) Waldo Point Harbor redevelopment of the sea wall, parking lots, entry buildings and now the park along Bridgeway, many residents feel that the outward-facing image of the floating homes community is beginning to match the beauty and attractiveness...

Learn Weed Management Skills – June 17

Weeds are super adaptors. In urban settings weeds thrive under the most meager of growing conditions—moving into bare patches and vacant lots, filling cracks in the pavement and even pushing up through blacktop. In more natural habitats, biodiversity can take a hit as thuggish weeds crowd out native species. While getting rid of weeds isn’t rocket science, it’s all...

Weeds – Down the Rabbit Hole

There’s a reason chefs say they’re “in the weeds” when the fast-paced, delicately-balanced dance of the restaurant kitchen becomes hopelessly unmanageable. I used to be weed-ignorant, and happily so. I now know more about weeds, and the tools and means to deal with them, than I usually care to admit. Along with learning...

Our Voices Have Been Heard

Earlier this week, over at Waldo Point Harbor, we saw the notice that Aquamaster, a toxic herbicide produced by Monsanto, was about to be sprayed around our beautiful bay. Issaquah dock reps Ali Johnston and myself (Sandy Harford) quickly put the word out to our dock mates that they just might want to weigh in on this issue. It’s well...

Van Damme Achieves Project Milestone

Congratulations are in order. The news is just in that the Charles Van Damme Ferry Project has received approval from the BCDC (San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission) for the project’s addition to the new Waldo Point Harbor (WPH) public pier and park. This is the last in a long chain...

When will the WPH Construction End?

The Waldo Point Harbor Reconfiguration is in the final stages, according to Dan Hughes, WPH project manager. The crew will start back to work in late spring with prepping the park site, which is now the old Gates Coop parking area. In June, when the permit allows, they will begin the in-water...