Entertainment All Afternoon Oct 30

Once again, Heather Lerner of West Pier will MC a full day of entertainment at the FHA’s Day in the Park link on Sunday, October 30. Performers will include: A poetry reading by Antanasia Cook from the Performing Stars of Marin ChauntiAna – performing stars female vocalist who brought the...

Woman Warrior of the Waterfront

Catherine Lyons-Labate’s beautiful, informative book beams out to the world the joy that is found within our waterfront community. If her photographs could actually make music, we would have the soundtrack to life on the water for her and the other lucky folks who blossomed here. Not sure the world...

Let’s Make Day in the Park the Best Ever

The Floating Homes Association’s Day in the Park will be on the lawn between Issaquah and Charles Van Damme Docks on Sunday, May 22, from 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. This will be an afternoon of free food, music and lots more. All residents and friends are welcome to attend. Here...

Artists@Issaquah Plans a Comeback

Living on the water refreshes and inspires. The Artists of Issaquah show, founded in 2003, nurtured both pre-professional and established artists, celebrated creative expression, and aimed to develop the artist within all of us. It returned in 2018, reborn as Artists@Issaquah, but then the pandemic ended plans for 2020. Now,...

Door Prizes Galore at Annual Meeting

During the February 17 FHA virtual Annual Meeting, Julie Durbin gave away more than $2,000 in door prizes. The prizes and lucky winners are: Winner Donor Prize Lewis Shireman F45 Training Corte Madera 2 week membership + swag bag Annette Jensen Michele Affronte Prize #1: Gift Card to their favorite...

A Dock Comings and Goings

Former 25-year San Franciscan Mira Pickett crossed the Bridge to explore life on this side a year ago. Originally renting on Yellow Ferry Harbor, Mira knew that that would be a temporary move as the owner occupied his home for a good chunk of each year. A furnished rental became...

Historic Waterfront Photos at Bay Model

The Bay Model will exhibit photos from Catherine Lyons-Labate’s book SAUSALITO once upon a waterfront from February 15—March 26. These photos tell a story of people from all walks of life who came together on the waters of Sausalito and created a community like no other. Catherine hitchhiked to the...