Swimming in a Sea of Talent

A Boatload of Books—the place to find published works from and about our community—is easily accessed by clicking Boatload of Books in the column at right. Here are several new—and recently added—titles:     In Our Hands, Wilford Welch. A handbook for intergenerational actions to solve the climate crisis, with an...

Emily Makes Music on Issaquah

Dozens of neighbors past and present turned out to help Emily Riddell celebrate her birthday on September 23. Emily also brought 15 blue grass picker friends, who provided lots of lively entertainment throughout the afternoon on Issaquah Dock. After 27 years, Emily and Stuart are selling their floating home, and...

Anchor Out, a Love Story

Sausalito artist, retired clinical psychologist, and now author Barbara Sapienza has written a novel, Anchor Out. A book launch and reading will be held at Sausalito Book Passage by the Bay on April 22 at 4 p.m. Anchor Out, a novel When: 4 pm, April 22 Where: Sausalito Book Passage by...

Sausalito People: Remembering Evan Connell

DATE: Friday April 15 TIME: 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sausalito Library ADMISSION: free Friends of Evan Connell will share memories of the Sausalito author and editor at the Sausalito Library—Friday, April 15—7:00 p.m. Connell is best known for the two novels “Mrs. Bridge” and “Mr. Bridge,” considered among the finest of...