The Little Shop of Wonders

Krystal Gambie is a native of the legendary Gates Co-Op at Waldo Point. Her father, the late Charles Michael Haas II, also known on the waterfront as Michael Woodstock, was an editor, shop owner and teacher. Her mother, Penny Bernardi, was the co-op office manager, and also helped found the...

Woman Warrior of the Waterfront

Catherine Lyons-Labate’s beautiful, informative book beams out to the world the joy that is found within our waterfront community. If her photographs could actually make music, we would have the soundtrack to life on the water for her and the other lucky folks who blossomed here. Not sure the world...

Historic Waterfront Photos at Bay Model

The Bay Model will exhibit photos from Catherine Lyons-Labate’s book SAUSALITO once upon a waterfront from February 15—March 26. These photos tell a story of people from all walks of life who came together on the waters of Sausalito and created a community like no other. Catherine hitchhiked to the...

The Water Wars

Catherine Lyons-Labate has created a 209-page hard cover photo essay featuring hundreds of her photographs, as well as recollections by her and others who lived or worked on the Sausalito waterfront in the late 1970s. The book, Once Upon A Waterfront, tells the stories of many colorful Co-Op characters, and...

Law vs. Reality at Waldo Point

Charles Bush, former attorney for the Gates Cooperative, recently recounted the seesawing and at times even violent past of the area just north of Sausalito called Waldo Point. Here is a lightly edited digest of his remarks, leading up to the houseboat wars of the 1970s: Part I — Boats...

Bri Hurley: 2/15/1964 –12/24/2018

Bri, a longtime resident of the waterfront community, passed away on Christmas eve after a long battle with cancer. She was private, strong and brave throughout her life, with unique grace and energy, and she died as she lived, with dignity and reserve. She was a fantastic photographer and published...

Michael Labate is New FHA President

Michael Labate was elected President of the Floating Homes Association Board at its January 8 meeting. Michael and his family were long term residents of the Gates Co-op until they moved to a new home on A Dock as part of the Waldo Point Harbor configuration. Taylor Ray of Liberty...

Jack Schwaner Passes Away

Long time Co-op resident Jack Schwaner, known as Jack the Welder, recently succumbed to a heart attack. As the Dinghy Dame wrote about Jack in the Floating Times back in 2013: “Jack was born in a tiny town in west Nebraska on the Wyoming border. He led a pretty sheltered...