All Politics is Local | Save the Date: June 26
WHO: California State Assemblyman Marc Levine WHAT: 2nd in the series to meet with our elected officials WHEN: Sunday June 26 at 2pm WHERE: 1 East Pier — watch this space for more details —
WHO: California State Assemblyman Marc Levine WHAT: 2nd in the series to meet with our elected officials WHEN: Sunday June 26 at 2pm WHERE: 1 East Pier — watch this space for more details —
The Marin County Board of Supervisors has notified the FHA that it will hold a public hearing at the next regular meeting of the Marin County Board of Supervisors. WHERE: in the Board Chambers (Room #330—Administration Building) Civic Center, San Rafael. WHEN: Tuesday, May 3 at 1:30 pm PURPOSE: to consider a proposed...
To keep everyone up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, here’s a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the March 21, 2016 Board Meeting: It was agreed to renew the Association’s general liability insurance, at a premium of $4,758. This insurance covers the activities of the FHA...
TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD HAS BEEN DOING, HERE’S A BULLET LIST OF THE IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING THINGS THAT HAPPENED AT THE Jan 11, 2016 BOARD MEETING: As we had no meeting in December, the Executive Committee approved payment of $789.00 premium for Directors and Officers Liability Insurance. The board...
The first of the community meetings with our government representatives—organized by East Pier residents Carole Angermier and Wilford Welch, and Brad and Teddie Hathaway—kicked off Sunday afternoon (February 28) with Kate Sears, our County Supervisor. The informal setting at 1 East Pier was meant as a discussion, not a speech,...
Seems like we just turned the page to January and here it is February. Time for the Floating Homes Association’s annual meeting. We continue our tradition by holding the meeting at the Bay Model, Saturday evening, February 27. All members of the community are invited to attend. Registration begins at 5 p.m. — the meeting convenes at 5:30...
County Supervisor Kate Sears on Kappas East East Pier residents Teddie Hathaway and Wilford Welch are hosting a series of community meetings with elected officials. These opportunities to meet face-to-face with our local, state and federal representatives are planned as information exchanges, not fund-raisers. They will be held at Wilford Welch...