East Pier Adventurer

The newest world class mariner among our floating homes community is Lia Ditton. Originally from England, she has sailed 150,000 nautical miles, an equivalent of 8 laps around the globe! Her newest adventure involves rowing in a 21’ ocean rower from Japan to San Francisco. This 5,500-nautical-mile run, over 6 months, will...

New Shopping Carts from FHA

  If you’ve seen some new shopping carts on your dock recently, that’s because the Floating Homes Association has purchased 40 new and refurbished carts for use by residents. FHA Vice President Flo Hoylman arranged for the carts to be delivered to pick up points near East Pier and Liberty...

Embracing Sea Level Rise

What’s not to like about a beautiful photo, with the sky reflected back in a rippling pool of water? We put up with the king tides of winter, and some of us (East Pier and Gate 6 1/2, the further end of A Dock parking where 2 or 3 spots...

Epic Fishing Day!

Bill Finn Hooks a Sturgeon — May 3 2017 | video by Court Mast We met behind my house on West Pier at 7am on Wednesday, May 3. East Pier neighbor Bill Finn climbed into my 13-foot Boston Whaler and we headed out on glassy water—past Strawberry, around Tiburon, under...

Community Arts Round Up

  In a quick round up of arts-related events, this week marks both the 2017 Open Studios and the start of the monthly Sausalito Art Walk at Caledonia Street. 2ND WEDNESDAYS MAY – SEPTEMBER 4-8 PM Local businesses, situated along the length of Caledonia Street, will host receptions for a rotation of artists. The artists...

Please Give Our Geese a Break

These are trying times. Canada Geese are nesting on our docks, in our planter boxes and on occasion on our rooftops. It can be particularly unnerving to be walking down the dock—lost in thought—only to be jolted to attention by the sudden hiss of a Canada goose. Rumors abound, which—even if...