Emergency Preparedness Works!

West Pier’s Court Mast was driving up 101 recently when he saw a disabled car sideways in the right lane near the San Pedro Rd. exit—a very dangerous situation. In his cell phone, Court had stored an emergency number, which he promptly dialed. His call was patched through to the...

Perfect Storm Sinks Two Boats

  A powerful storm with strong winds from an unusual direction spelled misfortune for two floating homes on Thursday, April 6. Overnight, at more than a five-foot tide, #62 Issaquah began taking on water and listing northward toward its neighbor. And Dianne Moyer awoke to three feet of water and the sinking of her...

Alert Marin Keeps You Informed in an Emergency

In January 2013, Marin County launched an improved version of the Alert Marin Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS). Local emergency officials use TENS to deliver incident-specific information or potentially life-saving instructions to the geographic areas that are affected. Emergency situations that may trigger a TENS message include: Flooding, wildfires, and subsequent evacuations Public safety incidents...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – May 16 2016

To keep everyone up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, here’s a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the MaY 16, 2016 Board Meeting: First Aid for Disaster Response Training was scheduled for June 25th. Click here for details. CERT Training will be held on Saturday, October...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – April 18 2016

To keep everyone up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, here’s a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the April 18, 2016 Board Meeting: Jenny Stein volunteered to replace Stan Barbarich as the FHA contact person with the Regional Water Board. The Marine Mammal Center will be...