Board Meeting Notes — July 2023

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED ON AT THE JUly 11 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. FHA treasurer Linda Futrell reported that thanks in part to Day in the Park the FHA’s bank balance grew by $3,593,...

King Tides Return 6/30-7/6

Six days of king tides (over 6.5’) will begin on June 30, causing flooding in low–lying areas of Southern Marin. Here’s the schedule from the TideLog company: Fri.        6/30       9:28 p.m.          6.5’ Sat.       7/1          9:28 a.m.          6.7’ Sun.      7/2          11:00 p.m.        6.9’ Mon.     7/3        11:51 p.m.         7.0’...

Day in the Park Frequently Asked Questions

Q:       When and Where is the Day in the Park?  A:       It’s on Sunday,  June 4 from Noon to 5:00 p.m. in Van Damme Park at Waldo Point Harbor, located between Issaquah Dock and Charles Van Damme Dock.  Q:       Who sponsors Day in the Park and why? A:...

Board Meeting Notes — Apr 2023

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the April 11 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times. President Pete Hudson set increasing FHA membership as the most important goal for 2023. Dock reps have been updating dock rosters...

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

The Southern Marin Fire District has launched a new website for the Southern Marin Neighborhood Response Group (NRG) program. The NRG program helps connect individuals and neighborhoods to resources, education, and training that will help them to prepare them for and respond to emergencies and disasters. In the event of...

The Importance of FHA Membership

The Floating Homes Association represents the interests of floating homeowners and renters to help foster a friendly, inclusive, and colorful community on Richardson Bay. Your membership helps the FHA provide services and sponsor events that support and strengthen our unique community. Through the work of our volunteers Board of Directors...

That Sinking Feeling

It was about 11:30 on a rainy morning when a neighbor looked out her window by chance and saw that the home across the dock was sinking! It was leaning precariously toward its inboard neighbor. Obviously no one was home as standing up inside would have been difficult, if not...

Gramps to the Rescue

When power went out on South 40 Pier during the recent spate of storms, just after midnight, PG&E announced that it might not be restored before 10:00 p.m. on the following evening. Joe “Gramps” Tate, who lives in an ark that sits on pilings just off of South 40, fired...