Nixle Could Save Your Life

Nixle is a Community Information Service that helps keep you and your family safe, informed, and connected to your community 24/7. It keeps you up to date with relevant information from your local public safety departments and schools. Launched in 2007, Nixle provides an open...

New Insurer for Floating Homes

What do Betty Grable’s legs, Jimmy Durante’s nose, Dolly Parton’s breasts and Tom Jones’s chest hair have in common with floating homes?  They all have been or are insured by Lloyd’s of London. Recently Lloyd’s began writing home owner’s policies for floating homes. Their traditional...

A Load Off Our Hands

Our community is a half-ton lighter after the FHA-sponsored e-waste collection day on October 13. That’s how much electronic junk was collected by the Conservation Corps North Bay for recycling. All those old computer parts, TVs, and household appliances will now be kept out of...

Jack Schwaner Passes Away

Long time Co-op resident Jack Schwaner, known as Jack the Welder, recently succumbed to a heart attack. As the Dinghy Dame wrote about Jack in the Floating Times back in 2013: “Jack was born in a tiny town in west Nebraska on the Wyoming border....

Chopper Alert

PG&E helicopters plan to inspect power lines this week Low-flying helicopters may be hovering over parts of nearby neighborhoods and open spaces between Wednesday and Friday of this week. Observers plan to patrol the power lines in the county’s highest wildfire threat areas. The work...