Lights Out for Dark-Sky Week

  Five Ways to Celebrate Dark Sky Week! The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is a great resource and orientation for the week that starts with Earth Day (April 22) and ends with the spring new moon (April 28). However you choose to spend the week—whether only using...

Movies Around the World

This short 3-minute film—aired midway through the awards presentations the night of the Oscars, February 26—is now available to view (for free). It was commissioned by the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences and produced and filmed by our own East Pier filmmakers Will Parrinello and John Antonelli (Mill...

Anchor Out, a Love Story

Sausalito artist, retired clinical psychologist, and now author Barbara Sapienza has written a novel, Anchor Out. A book launch and reading will be held at Sausalito Book Passage by the Bay on April 22 at 4 p.m. Anchor Out, a novel When: 4 pm, April 22...

Brave New World as Ducklings Hatch

Passels of ducklings, and goslings—along with their watchful parents—can be seen waddling and swimming about in various locations throughout the floating homes community. Over on South 40, Caroline Hall and Michael McNeill’s planter box provided the ideal set up for a pair of Mallard Ducks to build a nest. The just-hatched ducklings—who launch...

Perfect Storm Sinks Two Boats

  A powerful storm with strong winds from an unusual direction spelled misfortune for two floating homes on Thursday, April 6. Overnight, at more than a five-foot tide, #62 Issaquah began taking on water and listing northward toward its neighbor. And Dianne Moyer awoke to three feet of water...

Fire Hose Training for All

The latest Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training began Saturday, April 1. Part II—including drills on Kappas East and West Piers—will take place this Saturday afternoon, April 8. Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman invites everyone who wants to learn about using fire hoses to come to East...