One of the 3 official Sausalito Art Festival posters this year features a panoramic photo by none other than one of our own: Ric Miller. Ric lived on Issaquah Dock for 22 years, before relocating, along with his partner Malia Dailey, to Palm Springs last year—Unsung Heroes of the Floating Homes Community. (Once part of the community, forever a member of our extended family.)
The photo is named Halloween on the Pond—both for its orange colors and because it was was shot on October 31, 2003 (from the rooftop of a friend’s home at #40 Issaquah). As Ric describes the photo, “The sun had already set and it was so dark I didn’t notice the person in the rowboat when I shot the photo. It is one of my favorite floating homes photos, and is one of the first photos I showed at the Artists of Issaquah art show. I added more to my collection over the years.” Ric received a call from a Sausalito Art Festival representative asking if they could use his panoramic photo for the 2017 festival and he agreed.
The official unveiling took place August 18 during the Sausalito Chamber of Commerce mixer—at the Hanson Gallery in Sausalito. The Sausalito Art Festival runs from September 2 through the 4.
Visit the Sausalito Art Festival this Labor Day weekend where the official poster will be available for purchase!
Other prints of Halloween on the Pond—in various large format sizes and media—will be available from Robert Allen Fine Art on Caledonia Street.
For more information, please visit Ric’s website: floatinghome.com.
The Sausalito Art Festival runs every Labor Day weekend—go to the 2017 Festival site to purchase advance tickets for any of the festival days or for the opening night Moroccan Nights gala. Peruse the complete festival guide for artist previews, and to learn about the silent auction, entertainment, and more.