Community Arts Round Up

  In a quick round up of arts-related events, this week marks both the 2017 Open Studios and the start of the monthly Sausalito Art Walk at Caledonia Street. 2ND WEDNESDAYS MAY – SEPTEMBER 4-8 PM Local businesses, situated along the length of Caledonia Street, will host receptions...

The FHA and the Supreme Court

Four years ago, a Florida man won a long-shot victory when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed that his floating home was a house, not a vessel subject to seizure by a Florida city. The Floating Homes Associations of Sausalito and Seattle provided documentation as friends...

Our Voices Have Been Heard

Earlier this week, over at Waldo Point Harbor, we saw the notice that Aquamaster, a toxic herbicide produced by Monsanto, was about to be sprayed around our beautiful bay. Issaquah dock reps Ali Johnston and myself (Sandy Harford) quickly put the word out to our dock mates that they just might want to weigh...

Please Give Our Geese a Break

These are trying times. Canada Geese are nesting on our docks, in our planter boxes and on occasion on our rooftops. It can be particularly unnerving to be walking down the dock—lost in thought—only to be jolted to attention by the sudden hiss of a Canada...

FHA Board Meeting Notes – March 2017

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE MARCH, 2017 BOARD MEETING: After discussions led by Jen Gennari, the Board adopted the following FHA Vision Statement: “The Floating Homes Association is dedicated to fostering...