Coastal Cleanup 2019: Butts Still Worst Offender

Twenty people filled more than 19 bags of trash and recycling along our shoreline from Kappas Green to Commodore on Coastal Cleanup Day 2019. Among the unusual items found were goggles, a stinky cooler, a rusted bicycle, candles, and three license plates. The group gathered approximately 175 pounds of trash....

Getting Help Going Green

I recently got new energy-efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs and water-saving faucet aerators installed at no-cost, courtesy of the Rising Sun Center for Opportunity. Rising Sun has been in service with local communities since 1994, training and employing underserved youth and adults in the Bay Area and San Joaquin...

Volunteer to Clean our Shoreline Sept 21

Too often, plastic, cigarette butts, and styrofoam cups mar our beautiful bay shores. For thirty-five years, people have worked to change that. Volunteer with the FHA Environmental Committee and pick up trash along our waterfront during Coastal Cleanup Day Saturday, Sept. 21. Our FHA team will meet at the Waldo...

Pigeon Problem on Your Pier?

On East Pier, we’ve noticed a lot more pigeons recently. Besides being messy and noisy, they can carry diseases that will make people sick. Since pigeons can nest 6 times each year, we could quickly see hundreds of these birds. It’s a problem we want to stop before it spreads,...

Join a Bioblitz and Snap a Pic

The California Academy of Sciences is sponsoring a statewide effort to discover, record, and share observations of plants, seaweeds, and animals found along the California coast, and no prior experience is needed to participate. Just head out to the shoreline between now and June 16 to participate in the annual...

FHA Forming Resilient Neighborhood Team

Resilient Neighborhoods makes climate change actions: Concrete and easy to understand Enjoyable Motivating, and A Team Thing with your neighbors They’ve had great success for the last 9 years all over Marin. Here’s a link to a 1-minute video for more information. The FHA Board has agreed to create a...

What a Load of Crap!

Recently a South 40 resident bagged over 20 dog deposits on the South 40 lawn and left the bags along a path as perhaps a too-subtle reminder to dog owners to pick up after their pets. A half hour later, a fresh deposit was spotted by the path. These deposits...