Paella Plus on Liberty Dock

Julie and Rick DiNapoli treated their Liberty Dock neighbors to a paella party last month before the float-in screening of the documentary, Ghost Fleet. Their dockmate (director and producer) Shannon Service, and other members of the film crew, attended the screening. Ghost Fleet is the tale of an amazing woman who...

Let There Be Light

Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman sends along some lessons learned from the recent PG&E power outage:  Lighting ideas I purchased two solar powered lights for less than $20 each. They have their own stand, so I can direct the light in different directions. Use a mirror by the light to...

Glorious Party in the Park

The second annual FHA-sponsored Party in the Park was again blessed by perfect weather, drawing about 100 people to the award-winning park in Waldo Point Harbor. This year, following our recent power outage, the concentration was on Floating Life, with booths devoted to emergency preparedness, line tying and other tips...

Join or Renew Membership NOW

Those who join or renew their FHA membership now will be members in good standing throughout 2020. Membership information and an online application are on the FHA website. Help the FHA fulfill its vision of fostering a friendly, inclusive, and colorful community on Richardson Bay. We are responsible and engaged...

Music, Maritime Tips Planned for Day in the Park Oct 20

The PG&E Shutoff—and the upcoming Great California Shakeout—provides one more great reason to spend Sunday, October 20, in the Waldo Point Harbor Park for the FHA Day in the Park. The free, family-friendly event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. where you can enjoy complimentary soup by Davey Jones...

Board Meeting Notes – Oct 2019

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE OCTOBER BOARD MEETING: The September 14 Open Homes Tour grossed $45,742, about $6,000 more than the 2017 tour. A few expenses are still outstanding...

Dock Rep Elections This Month

Annual elections for dock reps and alternates will be conducted later this month. So far, most reps and alternates have agreed to run for another term, but the following slots are still open: A Dock Alternate Commodore Alternate Van Damme: Dock Rep and Alternate To be nominated, an individual must...