What’s a Berth Worth?

At 6:45 a.m., on January 29, Jane and I were awakened by the spooky sound of loud voices outside our bedroom window. I glanced out to see a brightly-lit workboat from Parker Diving Services preparing to haul out the home next to ours. An early high tide necessitated the inconvenient...

Board Meeting Notes – Feb 2019

TO KEEP EVERYONE UP TO DATE ON WHAT THE FHA BOARD IS DOING, HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE February BOARD MEETING: President Michael Labate and VP Taylor Ray introduced a new approach to meetings: pressing issues will be discussed first, with less...

Open Forum, Board Meeting – March 12

To continue our community conversation, OPEN FORUM will be included in the March, June and September Board meetings. We are interested in your thoughts about where our time and attention should be focused. Your input is most welcome and appreciated. Please join us. If there’s something specific you’d like to discuss,...

Safety Tips

At the invitation of East Pier Dock Rep Carole Angermeir, Court Mast of West Pier conducted a safety seminar in January─just in time for the winter storms. Here are some tips Court distributed at the meeting. Other discussion topics included emergency procedures and tools for assessing any special emergency skills...

Bri Hurley: 2/15/1964 –12/24/2018

Bri, a longtime resident of the waterfront community, passed away on Christmas eve after a long battle with cancer. She was private, strong and brave throughout her life, with unique grace and energy, and she died as she lived, with dignity and reserve. She was a fantastic photographer and published...

Vallejo Exhbition at Bolinas Museum

The Bolinas Museum is presenting an exhibit entitled “Ship of Dreams: Artists, Poets, and Visionaries of the S.S. Vallejo (1949 – 1969).” This is the same exhibit that appeared at the Sonoma Valley Museum of Arts last April. On Saturday, February 16 Betsy Stroman, the author of “The Art and...

Age-Friendly Marin Survey

Marin residents age 60 and older and those working with older adults are encouraged to take the Age-Friendly County Marin survey. I took the survey myself and question 4 allowed me to indicate that I live on a floating home. As FHA emergency services chair Flo Hoylman points out, “Our...

Women at the Helm Feb 15

Gate 6 ½ resident Helen Vandeman has produced a new documentary about five salty senior women in the Bay Area and Washington state who were pioneering mariners. Helen will host a showing at the film at the Sausalito Library on Friday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m. The women profiled include...